500-Euro-Bonus – The electricity price brake for business establishments is on the way.

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From Monday, the electricity subsidy will be opened to another group of people, who until now would have possibly fallen over for it.
Stromkostenzuschussgesetznovelle – what sounds unwieldy will soon bring significant financial relief to numerous Austrians. Because many have so far fallen over themselves around the electricity price brake, which came into force on December 1. How could this happen?

Many entrepreneurs have their main residence at the seat of their enterprise. As a result, they draw their household energy via their electricity meter on the one hand and the electricity they need for their business, which runs on the “commercial” load profile.

Previously, this was not a problem, but as is well known, the electricity price brake stops at 80 percent of the average consumption of a household – 2,900 kWh. Commercial customers would therefore have been deprived of this subsidy. This is precisely why an amendment to the Electricity Cost Subsidy Act has just been passed.

Starting next Monday, the affected tradespeople can apply for the electricity cost brake. The relief amounts to 500 euros on average. Applications can be submitted online at www.stromkostenbremse.gv.at/lufg/antrag from April 17 until May 31, 2023, at the latest.

Suppose the requirements for granting the electricity cost brake are met, and the application is approved. In that case, the subsidy will automatically be included in the electricity bill for the next 19 months from June 1, 2023. Households with more than three people registered at the same address will also receive per-person allowances that do not require a separate application.

Double subsidization through the electricity cost brake for private individuals and the electricity cost brake for tradespeople with only one electricity meter under the SKZG will be ruled out, as well as additional subsidization through the energy cost subsidy or the flat-rate model for small businesses.

  • source: heute.at/picture: pixabay.com
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